BABCP accredited therapist

Clinical services

Matching your employees with the best mental health care

Onebright support people into a range of mental health treatments including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Psychiatry and Counselling. The size of our world-class clinical network and depth of our employed clinician group means we can offer scalable, responsive support from prevention through to therapeutic care. We match individuals to the right treatment and therapist, wherever and whenever they need it.

Our services

We work in partnership with your PMI, GIP, EAP, and OH providers, as well as creating new direct pathways which gives you a unique and consistent view of the mental wellbeing of your workforce.

Our exclusive focus is on mental health and we have deep relationships with academic and clinical thought leaders. We develop innovative pathways in areas such as neurodiversity, supporting people living with cancer, and gender dysphoria, optimising efficiency through digital solutions.

Talking therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can help an individual cope by making them more aware of the connection between their thoughts, feelings and behaviour. It focuses on challenging unhelpful beliefs, attitudes and behaviours.
We focus on neurodiversity pathways for conditions such as autism and ADHD. Neurodiversity is the idea that people have different ways of thinking, different viewpoints, and different skill sets.
Our approach helps people explore their feelings, beliefs, behaviour, and worldview, so each person can become more self-aware and achieve greater independence. Counselling involves listening to the patients carefully and empathetically.

Consult with a CBT Therapist

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is beneficial to support staff through periods of stress, organisational change, isolation and transition. CBT therapists support employees in developing healthy communication, reducing stress, increasing inclusivity and helping maintain a sense of belonging and being heard. 

Onebright offers a unique opportunity for senior members of organisations, including HR Managers and Directors, to engage in a productive discussion about in-house mental health issues by utilising the latest reporting capabilities.  

What psychiatric services are available?

We can offer organisations valuable insights and implement strategies into their workforce’s different needs and conditions. Our focus is on neurodiversity, and our psychiatric services include clinical assessments for formally diagnosing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adults and their children and Autism (ASD).

We can support managers in navigating the processes involved and developing a better understanding of issues connected with mental health. Our team of psychiatrists can conduct assessments to identify any concerns and make personalised recommendations to address them.

Digital innovation
We are investing in cutting-edge digital technology, data science and artificial intelligence to accurately assess, triage and match people with the best clinicians and treatments to help personalise therapy.
Support at scale
We match 45,000 adult and young people per year to the clinician they need; treating common mental health problems such as depression and anxiety as well as access to more complex care if required.
Contact our employee mental health specialists for more information

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Our services for employers
How to reduce work-related stress/burnout for your employees
Mental health training
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Supporting Women's Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace
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Why a Mental Health Audit is Crucial For Businesses Following the Pandemic
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