How do we deliver psychiatry?
Our approach
With children and young people, the psychiatrist will usually meet with the parent /carer(s) and the child or young person together for the first appointment, and time permitting, will also see the child/young person alone. Following this, depending on the client’s individual needs, the psychiatrist may make recommendations or advise a further appointment.
The psychiatrist may need to contact the child’s school to gather more information to help complete the assessment and both parents and teachers may be asked to fill in questionnaires. This will only be done with your consent.
During the assessment concerns will be discussed and on completion a recommended treatment plan and report will be provided. In some instances, for example where ADHD or Autism are being considered, additional specialised assessments may be recommended.

Assessing adults
For adults, the psychiatrist will meet with the patient either face to face or remotely. They may request the name of an informant to provide supporting information but will not contact them without your permission.
The first appointment lasts up to 70 minutes and follow up appointments up to 40 minutes. These are conducted via face-to-face review in clinic or secure video consultation. Telephone consultations can also be arranged.

What kind of treatments are provided?
The psychiatrist will tailor your treatment package to your individual needs. This may include psychiatric reviews, cognitive behavioural therapy, psychology, family therapy, prescribed medication or referral to other multidisciplinary professionals. Our psychiatrists can advise on medication, including ADHD medications. We work closely with a network of therapists and if a referral is required, we will arrange this.

What does therapy involve?
With children and young people, some therapy will involve individual sessions with the young person, some will involve parent(s) / carer(s) sessions and others will involve a combination of the above with some sessions for the child/adolescent and parent together for part/all the session. Together the therapist, young person and parent(s)/carer(s) will decide on the best approach, likely treatment length and goals. The length and frequency of sessions will be tailored to the young person’s individual needs. Typically, sessions will occur on a weekly basis for a time limited period e.g. two to three months although length varies depending on the young person’s specific needs. Sessions will be 50 minutes face to face in clinic or via video consultation.
With adults, the therapist will meet with the patient either face to face or remotely.

Our appointments
We have a network of psychiatrists that can offer appointments face-to-face, or remotely via video consultation.
We are able to provide secure video consultations. After booking your appointment you will be sent a confirmation email with a secure link to access your video consultation. We recommend finding a private quiet place at home for these sessions and using headphones to ensure privacy. Please note that for some types of assessment a video consultation may not be possible, and a face-to-face appointment will be advised in these circumstances.