How Mental Health Training Can Help Businesses Attract Top Talent

Work and mental health are deeply intertwined. Poor work experience can exacerbate a pre-existing issue with someone’s mental health and contribute to the emergence of a mental health condition. Mental health training for businesses can be the difference for hiring managers between securing top talent and losing out to market competitors. 

According to The Royal College of Psychiatrists, evidence shows a strong correlation between “good work” and good mental health. 

The pandemic fundamentally changed how the UK workforce approached work, and mental health support shifted from a nice-to-have to a must-have benefit. It has become clear that the job of human resources professionals looks very different. They will be required to serve as confidantes for employees in the workplace. For companies to attract new employees or retain top talent, employers must create a workplace environment that prioritises employee well-being by making mental health a part of the company culture rather than just adding benefits.

What does research into employee well-being say?

Here’s why it’s crucial. In Talkspace’s Employee Stress Check 2022 Report, which polled 1,400 full-time employees, they found that 86% of employees feel fulfilled at work under a supportive manager. While 32% were likely to quit their jobs in 2022, 57% would likely stay if their workplace offered more mental health services.

Did you know that poor mental health collectively costs UK employers up to £45 billion each year? Whether you are a small company or a large corporate employer, Onebright can provide targeted mental health training for any part of your workforce. We also offer board-level reporting on insights, trends and risks for your organisation and workforce screening to identify problems with employees’ mental health before they happen. This helps you put a complete safety net in place.

With an extensive range of mental health training for businesses modules, packages can be tailored to suit your business and delivered remotely or face-to-face in several formats, from quick lunchtime sessions for the workforce to detailed learning programmes for managers.

Why is mental health training in the workplace important?

It’s critical to be aware of employees’ workplace issues and prioritise employee wellbeing. We know that employers who support their employees are more likely to see positive impacts on productivity, absenteeism, presenteeism, time management, and other key factors that lead to better work outcomes and employee attraction and retention.

Onebright’s training methodology is based on the Kolb Learning Model, which is a goal-directed and behaviour-learning approach. It is built on a concept involving distinct stages of concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation, and active experimentation. From a training perspective, this means that delegates acquire skills, knowledge, and the ability to apply what is learnt to various situations and scenarios.

Our specialist team of trainers comprises clinicians and academics, many of whom also have international business experience. Depending on your mental health business needs, here at Onebright, we can match trainers to your organisation based on their backgrounds and specialisms. 

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