Environmental, social and governance (ESG)

Our mission statement

At Onebright we are committed to ensuring high environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards. We strive to achieve continuous improvement, promoting transparency and excellence on all ESG matters to ensure every ESG activity ultimately aligns with Onebright’s business strategy; to be a leading and international specialist provider of mental health services.

Time to volunteer

We are excited to launch a new initiative called Time to Volunteer. Onebright is committed to supporting one protected day of paid leave, every six months for anyone wishing to volunteer for a charitable service of their choice. We also support team volunteering events with local charities.

Top five CBT tips to help deal with PTSD

Mental health toolkit for schools

We are building mental health toolkits to be provided to local schools both in York and London, helping to boost educational resources and champion the importance of mental health with children and young people. We are also working with local charities and educational institutions to deliver multiple mental health workshops, focusing on important topics related to mental health and providing effective coping mechanisms for better health and wellbeing.

Dear Employers: It’s Time To Make Employee Mental Health Your Business


Our environmental impact is a huge consideration, and we take our responsibility seriously to mitigate our impact both through reduction strategies and carbon offsetting. We actively monitor our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, setting reduction targets and pathways to ensure our business remains compliant, competitive, and equipped to reach net zero.

Why Toxic Ideas of Masculinity Need to Change
Reduce our carbon footprint
We work with local companies to reduce our carbon footprint, identifying where we can boost capacity to recycle and reduce waste.
Onebright Carbon Reduction Plan
Support local community initiatives
We support local community initiatives and work with charities to enrich the local communities where we operate.
Setting reduction targets
We work with GHG emission calculation provider Normative, setting reduction targets and pathways to achieve effective GHG reductions.


We remain committed in supporting our wider communities with socially conscious activities both at a local and national level. We actively seek to work with our local communities to reduce the stigma of mental health issues and support the accessibility of mental health services for all.

ESG Onebright


Our vision at Onebright is to reach industry best practice standards in all ESG related policy and practices. We ensure we maintain governance with local and international laws and regulations, promoting an ethos of transparency on all ESG matters.

Which Psychological Problems Does CBT Therapy Treat?
Invest in the communities we serve
Prioritise how Onebright can invest in the communities we serve with focus on supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our local children and young people population.
Support schools & charities
We work with local children and young people (CYP) charities and schools both in York and London to support the accessibility of mental health services for CYP populations, particularly in deprived areas.
Becoming an employer of choice
Boost brand awareness in our communities, becoming an employer of choice and supporting local social activities for children and young people.

A proud Looseheadz partner

Onebright is proud to support Looseheadz, providing the next level of mental health support to the rugby community.

The Looseheadz mission is simple; to place a mental health lead into every rugby club around the world, and equip them with a toolkit of resources to help the stigma around mental health. As a member of a LooseHeadz Partner Club, you have access to fully funded Onebright therapy services.


Supporters of Linzi Walks

The Onebright team had the privilege and the pleasure to join Linzi Walks on part of her amazing journey as she hikes around Britain’s coastline.

Linzi Walks is on her inspirational journey to set a world record by solo walking 11,553km along the entire British coastline in 306 days or less. This amazing individual is hiking on foot to raise funds and awareness for two charities close to her heart – Mind and National Trails UK.

Maintain industry standard excellence
Simplification of systems and transparency of processes.
Accreditations and certifications
Achievement and retainment of organisational accreditations and certifications.
Diversity & Inclusion
Work proactively to broaden Onebright’s potential as an employer of choice to strengthen and diversify our workforce.
Contact us for more information

For further details please contact our HR Department

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