Why should you choose Onebright for CBT therapy?

Have you ensured that your employees feel comfortable asking for mental health support? They may have been contemplating Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT therapy) for some time or perhaps have struggled much more recently. Whatever they are going through, and however long, partnering with a Onebright BABCP accredited therapist with the experience and skill set can help get life back on track.
Starting therapy can be a very daunting experience for everyone; it’s no wonder that it takes, on average, ten years for someone with a psychological problem to seek help. Over the years, many stigmas have been attached to mental health and its struggles. Although the movement is improving and the message is spreading that mental health is something to be discussed, there is still some way to break down that stigma.
Living with a mental health condition can feel very isolating, confusing and challenging at times, but it doesn’t have to stay that way, and employers can aid recovery.
It is estimated that 1 in 6 people in the past week experienced a common mental health problem. Approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year.
As much as it may feel like you are the only one struggling, our experience as CBT therapy providers and the statistics show otherwise. You are not alone.
We want to spread the message that mental health should be treated like physical health. You’d go to a doctor for a persistent cough, so you should go to a therapist for a persistent low mood. Mental health problems are one of the leading causes of the overall disease burden worldwide, yet so many suffer in silence.
People suffer from mental health for several reasons:
- They feel ashamed for feeling a certain way
- They are sceptical about recovery
- They blame themselves
- They are not familiar with mental health treatment options
- They assume they cannot afford to help
All the above and other reasons have formed the taboo around mental health, and we are trying to break that down.
Most people have heard of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, but many don’t know much about how it can help with psychological disorders and emotional problems. You do not need to suffer from a mental illness to find CBT therapy useful. In other cases where a disorder is present, CBT can be used alongside medication and often used alone to treat mental health.
Why choose Onebright when finding a BABCP accredited therapist?
There are many CBT providers across the UK and globally. Or you may be asking why one would go private when the NHS is free?
As a leading firm of independent CBT psychotherapists, we strive to be a centre of excellence. At Onebright, we have been committed to delivering a leading CBT service since our inception in 2003. We are well-known for our exceptional clinical outcomes and the outstanding support we offer clients.
Reasons you should choose a BABCP accredited therapist for CBT therapy:
Onebright treats a wide range of conditions
CBT is an evidence-based form of psychotherapy, which was initially developed for the treatment of depression. It is now the psychological treatment of choice for a range of emotional and psychological disorders, including:
Anxiety is the human’s natural response to a perceived threat. It can be long-lasting and develop into a disorder. It can also present itself as unease without developing into a specific condition. Guidelines produced by NICE (the National Institute of Clinical Excellence) recommend CBT for all anxiety disorders.
You may need to have a medically managed withdrawal from alcohol or drugs before having any further treatment. Still, CBT can be used effectively to better understand your addiction and how to overcome it.
Anger is a natural emotion. It’s time to get help with it when the repercussions of angry episodes are negatively impacting your relationships or work. If you can’t control it, CBT therapy can help support this.
Bipolar affective disorder is also known as manic depression. People experience serious shifts in mood, energy, thinking and behaviour, from mania on one extreme to depression on the other. Bipolar affective disorder is a long-term problem, but it can be managed to prevent lapses and relapses.
Bulimia / Binge eating
Bulimia Nervosa is characterised by way of controlling weight gain. People who present for therapy describe many ways of approaching this, including induced vomiting, the use of laxatives, diuretics, enemas and over-exercising. It is estimated that 1-2% of the population suffers from Bulimia.
Binge eating can take place in a small time frame. The general features are overeating or being aware that you have eaten much more than others would in a given period. It can seem that during your overeating, there is a sense of lack of control and a feeling of eating in an “automatic pilot” fashion.
Chronic pain
Chronic pain can’t be explained biologically; it’s persistent and disrupts your life. However, chronic pain is more than just a physical symptom; it may also cause depression, fatigue and irritability. It’s time to get help when your pain has lasted for more than six months.
Couples / Relationships
Couples therapy is an effective way to get you and your partner back on track in your relationship. CBT teaches you both tools to work through future problems, from communication issues to controlling tendencies.
Depression affects people in different ways and can cause various symptoms. Depression impacts how we feel, think and act. CBT therapy aims to alter or interrupt the maintenance of factors in a depressive cycle. However low you are feeling now, please remember that depression is treatable.
Habit disorders
Habit disorders can be classified as things you repeatedly do but without a clear motivation or reason for doing so. Habit disorders can range from hair pulling (trichotillomania) and lip biting to gambling and pathological stealing (kleptomania). CBT Therapy aims to help you identify patterns in your behaviour; for example, you may learn that your habit increases when you’re under stress or when you’re feeling low in mood.
Low self-esteem
When your perception of yourself is negative, it can lead to an overwhelming feeling of low self-worth; you may think that you’re not good enough. It’s time to get help when your low self-esteem is causing ongoing anxiety.
Obsessive-Compulsive disorder is widely misunderstood, with a common assumption it’s all about being clean or counting things when it’s actually a lot more complicated and varied. OCD is an anxiety disorder characterised by you feeling inappropriate and distressing intrusive thoughts, images or impulses (obsessions) that occur against your will.
Panic attacks
A panic attack is a sudden feeling of intense anxiety about what is going on in your own body; fear of your physical sensations. During an initial panic attack, you’re likely to misinterpret these sensations as if you have a heart attack, losing control or going mad. The term panic disorder is used when people either experience recurrent panic attacks or when they develop a constant fear of developing a panic attack.
A phobia is an unreasonable fear of a situation or object. Common phobias include fear of animals, birds, insects, heights, enclosed spaces and the sight of blood or injury. The physiology of fear experienced with phobias can consist of palpitations, breathlessness, sweating and dizziness. Negative and anxious thoughts are also common with phobias.
Post-natal depression
Post-natal depression is more likely to occur if you have a previous history of depression or have had recent life stresses. However, it can also start for no apparent reason in women without prior mental health difficulty. CBT will help you examine your thoughts around pregnancy and motherhood, looking at the impact of your thoughts on your emotional state and responses to your baby.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop following a stressful life event or catastrophic situation involving fear, helplessness or horror. It is common to experience PTSD-like symptoms if you’ve experienced or witnessed an event(s) that involved actual or threatened death, serious injury or a physical threat to yourself or others. People living with PTSD (and complex PTSD) often suffer for months or years before finding treatment.
Sex problems
Causes of sexual difficulties may be physical, psychological, or a combination. Even when there is a physical cause for sexual dysfunction, psychological factors often play a part in perpetuating it. However, a referral for physical investigation may sometimes be required if physical problems are present.
Sleep disorders
We all develop sleeping problems from time to time due to various life events or just an unexplained blip in sleep rhythms. However, for some people, acute episodes of insomnia can lead to chronic difficulties in sleeping, leading to a sleep disorder diagnosis. It’s time to get help when this affects your life, work and relationships.
Work-related stress
Work-related stress has been attributed to a large percentage of anxiety issues and is one of the most prevalent conditions in the UK.
Why choose a BABCP accredited therapist?
The BABCP is the British Association of Behavioural Cognitive Psychotherapists, the lead organisation for the theory, practice and development of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in the UK. It signals the gold standard of expertise of a CBT Therapist and the CBT quality. Finding your BABCP accredited therapist in the UK requires some thought because counselling and psychotherapy are unregulated professions.
As an experienced, accredited CBT psychotherapist, your therapist will have undergone core training as a qualified and registered healthcare professional, so are legally regulated professionals. Additionally, BABCP accredited therapist would have undertaken advanced CBT psychotherapy training at the postgraduate level, i.e. a Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) or MSc specifically in CBT.
We have an 87% recovery rate
A clinical survey revealed that we achieve an 87% recovery rate for people completing our therapy services. This exceeds industry standards which average a 52% recovery rate. Also, with the treatment of OCD, our recovery rate is even higher, at 92%.
Our online and remote therapy options have proven to be just as effective as face-to-face therapy. We are currently only offering online and remote therapy.
Rapid, on-demand mental health services
One of the significant issues with mental health support is waiting times, people who are dealing with severe problems cannot wait weeks or even months in some cases to have their first appointment. We are committed to consistently delivering fast, high-quality service, so you don’t have to worry about battling long waiting lists to start feeling better. We can usually offer your first appointment within 48 hours of enquiring.
Offering remote and online therapy
Remote and online therapy options make receiving professional help much more flexible and accessible. Our Remote Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is conducted via telephone or digital channels such as Zoom, Skype or FaceTime. It’s suitable for those who may be dealing with more difficult psychological issues, where each session is a clinical hour.
The online self-guided therapy is an excellent solution to receiving flexible cognitive behavioural therapy, as you can access it from anywhere at any time. It’s useful for mild to moderate issues such as anxiety, low mood or financial and work-related stress. The digital programme acts as a self-help tool which you have access to for 12 months.
Affordable therapy options
As mentioned above, our Self-Guided therapy can be very effective for certain problems. Sometimes people get confused between counselling and CBT therapy. They may appear quite similar, but the techniques and strategies taught differ drastically.