How can you deal with anxiety?

How can you deal with anxiety?
Worrying about anxiety tend to make fear worse, definitely worrying about being anxious is not normally a good thing to do – ever. Avoidance and escape are the hallmarks of the anxiety disorders and always makes them worse in the long run. If you can, try to stay in those fearful situations for as long as possible. However, we all need a rest from our triggers and stressful situation from time to time but if you can go back to face what scared you. Plan things that will de-stress the system like seeing a friend, time with family (or time away from family), grabbing lunch away from the desk with a colleague.
Bring order to your worries and make a list of what you are going to tackle, and when done strike them off with a red pen. Exercise is great because it burns off all that excessive energy. Alcohol makes use feel relaxed, probably why it is widely available at social gatherings. Although alcohol is a depressant it does not make people depressed (it is a depressant of the central nervous system and we appear ‘under the influence’). However, too much alcohol will make us anxious. If abstinence is not your option then consider reducing the amount you are drinking over a week. Count your units and planning amounts and when you will drink over a week will help to keep your units down. Sometimes it is easier to plan alcohol-free days, planning something that is relaxing for you.
Getting help with an anxiety disorder
Most anxiety disorders with a sudden onset subside after 12 weeks naturally without any professional help. You can read more about the main anxiety disorders here. Cognitive behavioural therapy is the only psychological treatment that has an active evidence based. Medication, some anti-depressants, are licenced to treat certain anxiety disorder and have been shown in research to be very good. Some therapies (such as counselling) have claims of success, and in randomised controlled studies they have not been superior to CBT or in some cases better than placebo. Overall Onebright’s recovery rate is 92% for all people presenting with an anxiety disorder, you can read here some of our reported outcome measures,
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy at Onebright
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is the treatment of choice for anxiety disorders. If you would like us to help you with anxiety, we have several CBT service across London and 250 CBT therapists in the UK. All our CBT therapist are BABCP accredited.