Why a Mental Health Audit is Crucial For Businesses Following the Pandemic

A mental health audit can help you better understand parts of your business that could remain hidden from view or present as future problems. Following the pandemic, the mental health requirements of your employees may have shifted, so evaluating where the gaps exist now in clinical services support, consultancy, data analysis, and training can help you prepare and make informed decisions about the business.
Every workplace is different. The needs and requirements shift and change over time. What works for one team may differ from others. Understanding how people have been affected by the pandemic’s mental pressures can give you insights into the kind of support and resources missing from your business.
Even with highly involved management and executives, it is impossible to have a clear picture of everything happening with an organisation’s employees. This is where a clinically-led mental health audit is a cost-effective way of understanding workers’ everyday lived experience and what mental health support is available on the ground.
Onebright mental health consultants are experts at delivering on-demand mental healthcare to small and large businesses. Considering that 30% of employees don’t feel like they can talk to their line managers about their mental health, it becomes evident how vital partnering with a discreet and confidential mental health organisation can be for the health of its people and business success.
As pressures change and evolve in the wake of the pandemic, business leaders will now need to ask themselves: what actions can we take to make life and work more manageable?
Onebright looks at some essential questions organisations need to answer before choosing a mental health provider.
What is a mental health audit?
Just like a Health and Safety audit, this process looks at various risk factors within the organisation that could negatively impact the mental well-being of your staff. Using clinical best practices, a mental health consultant will explore areas of the organisation that could hinder an employee from effectively carrying out their job.
An audit measures a business’s current practice against a defined standard. This standard forms part of clinical governance, which aims to safeguard high-quality clinical care for all people.
With more businesses looking to slim down overheads and costs, an audit can help executives make more informed decisions on everything, from where to allocate resources, to predicting the likelihood of sickness, to maximising productivity and engagement in teams.
What are the benefits of a mental health audit to businesses?
Often, employers need to figure out exactly where they require additional support to care for their employees, so a consultant can advise on the best next steps tailored to an organisation’s specific needs, people and outcomes.
The data can quickly reveal areas that need addressing by conducting an audit on the mental health of employees within the company. A comprehensive audit, carried out by a mental health professional who is clinically recognised, can give insights into where the risks are and also pinpoint to employers exactly where to spend employee well-being budgets.
In partnership with Onebright, employee productivity, absenteeism/presenteeism, resilience, and work-related stress are just a few areas that can be understood better and optimised with the proper mental health support.
What is a mental health audit NOT?
It is not a way to capture evidence of a particular employee’s mental health on behalf of an employer.
It is not a criticism of an employer, the management or an individual.
What happens after a mental health audit?
After an audit and a clinician have explained the findings, Onebright can deliver several mental health services tailored to your needs. Get in touch to learn more about bespoke mental health training or on-demand mental healthcare for your business.