Work and public speaking anxiety

Are you struggling with anxiety?

We can help you! When we worry excessively, we tend to feel anxious, overwhelmed and physically tense. We have an 87% recovery rate for people completing our therapy services

What is work and speaking anxiety?

Anxiety is something everyone experiences at times, and feeling anxious is a perfectly natural reaction to some situations. Anxiety only becomes a problem when our worries are out of proportion with relatively harmless situations. This may feel overwhelming and interfere with our everyday lives and relationships.

There is much research showing that workplace anxiety can directly lead to lower work performance.  If this is the case for you, it may be time to seek support.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is the most popular form of therapy for a range of issues that fall under the umbrella term ‘anxiety’ – we use an evidence-based, ‘here and now’ approach to facilitate recovery.

Psychiatry, CBT London, workplace mental health, online therapy, ADD assessment, Mental health assessment

When to seek treatment for Work and public speaking anxiety

You should consider treatment for your worry, anxiety or panic disorders when:
You have a fear being criticised, avoid eye contact or have low self-esteem
You worry that your worries are becoming out of control
You find it hard to sleep before work or public speaking
You can't turn off your worry, and its anxiety is affecting your daily life
You feel chronically anxious or depressed
You have nausea, IBS symptoms, aches and pains
"Very easy to talk to and really felt like listening and helping."
Male, 30
"It was lovely to get sympathetic support."
Male, 34
"I have been challenged to learn how to manage my anxiety and cope with situations. I have been taught how to deal with mindfulness and relaxation techniques."
Female, 36
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Onebright mental health
Recovery rate
87% successful recovery rate
We are BABCP accredited

The Onebright difference

What you need to know

Glossophobia isn’t a dangerous disease or chronic condition. It’s the medical term for the fear of public speaking. For those affected, speaking in front of a group can trigger feelings of discomfort and anxiety. With this can come uncontrollable trembling, sweating, and a racing heartbeat. You may also have an overwhelming urge to run out of the room or away from the situation that is causing you stress.

Glossophobia is a social phobia, or social anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders go beyond occasional worrying or nervousness. They cause strong fears that are out of proportion to what you’re experiencing or thinking about.

It's important to know that it is treatable. If you are ready to receive support in the form of therapy, please get in touch.
Your therapist works with you to find ways of reacting differently to thoughts and feelings.

Initially, your CBT therapist will help you complete a list of the problems you want to address. You’ll also develop realistic, flexible and frequently reviewed goals you would like to achieve.

Your therapist will encourage you to talk about your thoughts and feelings and what's troubling you. Don't worry if you find it hard to open up about your feelings. Your therapist can help you gain more confidence and comfort.

A BABCP accredited therapist helps you to understand the relationship between:

Unhelpful Behaviours (e.g. avoidance or substance use)
Thinking distortions (like catastrophising or always looking at the worst part of the experience)
Being in negative emotional states (like anxiety, stress or depression)
Physical symptoms (such as lack of energy, muscle tension or palpitations)
Traumatic life events
Please bear in mind that people recover at different rates, and your therapist will review your progress at each session, but, generalised anxiety, panic disorder, mild OCD and most sex therapy will require six sessions over one to three months, while depression and social anxiety may take slightly longer with 12 sessions over four to six months.
Book an appointment
Talk to one of our Onebright treatment coordinators today to discuss mental health support for your team or client or treatment options for you.
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