Panic disorder

What is a Panic Disorder?

Panic Disorder is characterised by experiencing intense periods of anxiety (panic attacks) that come with a host of unpleasant bodily sensations and often with either a sense of dread, or an extreme fear that one will either pass out, die, have a heart attack or lose control of their body in some way.  The type of bodily sensations experienced range from faster breathing, a tight chest, pins and needles or ‘paraesthesia’ (numbness or tingling), to a racing heart, dizziness, and sickness. Some individuals may also tunnel vision, a sense of depersonalisation, or loss of hearing.

Managing Chronic Pain with CBT

When to seek treatment for Panic Disorder

You should consider treatment for your Panic Disorder when:
You experience sudden, overwhelming fear or anxiety that lasts for several minutes and is characterised by a pounding heart, sweating, shortness of breath and feeling like you can't breathe or think clearly.
You fear of losing control or "going crazy".
You fear of having another panic attack.
You display significant changes in your behaviour, such as avoiding situations that trigger panic attacks.
What do Onebright offer?
We offer Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Panic Disorder, as there is a good evidence base to suggest this is one of the most effective treatments available.
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Benefits of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
CBT is an evidence based, goal-oriented and collaborative psychological therapy approach that focuses on understanding the past and present connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviours (termed the ‘formulation’). It also offers powerful tools, strategies, and techniques to identify, challenge and reframe unhelpful thought patterns and associated feelings and behaviours, helping to significantly improve mental health and quality of life.
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Get started by answering some simple questions below or call 020 8175 4908

Begin your journey

Onebright's client liaison team are available Monday to Friday between 9am-5pm (excluding bank holidays).
You must be aged 18 years or above to access our therapy services.