Social anxiety in children and teens
Is your child struggling with social anxiety?
Children and young people with generalised anxiety disorder have persistent and disturbing worries on a daily basis. Worrying about anything and everything. Generalised anxiety disorder in children and young people can lead to depression if left untreated.
How does social anxiety affect children and young people?
Social anxiety in children and young people is very common with one in eight people reporting some social anxiety in their lives. Often young people with social anxiety will develop symptoms such as feeling stuck on situations that have happened in the past that they feel afraid may happen again, fall into negative thinking traps that they will make a fool of themselves or that others will judge them.
Young people with social anxiety will often avoid situations where they might have to be more social and could have some safety behaviours that they use to avoid embarrassment for example not speaking to teachers for fear of saying the wrong thing. Often these symptoms can impact on a young persons ability to learn social skills.

When to seek treatment for anxiety in children and teens
Begin your journey
Your child must be aged 5-17 years to access our therapy services.
Your child’s assessment will cost £100 (this includes consultation and report).
After your assessment, if your child is recommended for therapy, this will cost £150 per appointment.
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