Gender pay gap

The gender pay gap is a measure of the difference between the average earnings of men and women across an organisation. This is a legal requirement in the UK for any private company with 250 or more employees and an important matter of principle that Onebright Limited is committed to and abides by.

As at the 5th April 2023, Onebright Limited had a total of 315 employees with the following gender split:

Males – 18.73%

Females  – 81.27%


Due to the growth of the business, 2023 was the first year that Onebright Limited (“Onebright”) was required to report on the gender pay gap. Our data demonstrates that Onebright has a relatively small gender pay gap with our mean (average) pay gap for hourly pay being 4.78% which we are very encouraged to see. We recognise  our gender pay gap will be influenced by the fact that we have a high proportion of female employees in our business for which we credit our dedication to providing excellent flexible working practices, supporting our female colleagues to reach their full career potential.

The median gender pay gap for hourly pay was -2.08% with the negative figure demonstrating that the pay was marginally higher for females than for males.

Pay quartiles look at the proportion of men and women in four pay bands when we divide our workforce into four equal parts, and our workforce profile demonstrates a broadly even split between males and females in all pay quartiles.

         Female     Male
Lower hourly pay quarter 82.28 17.72
Lower middle hourly pay quarter 79.75 20.25
Upper hourly pay quarter 76.92 23.08
Upper middle hourly pay quarter 86.08 13.92


We are unable to report on any gender bonus gap as there were no male colleagues within Onebright in receipt of a bonus in line with our scheme’s criteria. 3.2% of female employees were in receipt of a bonus payment.


Onebright Limited are committed to promoting diversity, gender equality and family friendly policies. We adopt a hybrid way of working across our workforce which will provide opportunities for us to attract and retain diverse talent across the business.

In order to ensure that we provide focus and further improvements to our gender pay gap Onebright will continue to analyse and develop:

  • How we recruit candidates
  • How we further promote and develop our family friendly policies
  • How we support progression and developmental opportunities
  • How we retain our talent