Triage Terms & Conditions

The following terms and conditions apply to Your use of the Triage. Please read them carefully as they contain important information relating to Your legal rights and responsibilities, our legal rights and responsibilities, and certain key information required by law.

In these terms and conditions, “We“, “Us” or “Our” means Onebright Ltd, a limited company incorporated in England under company number 09507950 with a registered address of First Floor West Wing, Holgate Park Drive, York, United Kingdom, YO26 4GN, and “You” or “Your” means the individual accessing or using Our Triage to receive a remote assessment.

These terms and conditions are only available in English. No other languages will apply to these terms and conditions.

If You do not agree with these terms and conditions, You may not use the Triage and You should contact Us using the information provided below to make alternative arrangements for delivery of Your assessment.

If You do not understand any of these terms and conditions and want to talk to Us about it, please contact Us by email at or by telephone at 01904 620 781.


The Service

  • The Triage is an online service provided by Us, which allows users to access and answer questions using a chatbot style conversation from a PC, Tablet, or mobile device about their current state of health.
  • The use of this triage tool does not replace the role of your GP or other appropriate medical professionals.
  • The use of this triage tool is not suitable is you are under 18 years of age, please contact your GP if this is the case.
  • This triage tool is appropriate for new presenting symptoms or for a new episode of pre-existing symptoms for which you have not sought medical advice for already or for which you are having treatment or taking medication currently.
  • This is not an emergency or monitored service tool so should you require immediate support please contact NHS 111, your GP or visit your local accident & emergency department.
  • This triage tool is not designed to provide you with a diagnosis but will provide suggestions of suitable treatment pathways based on your responses.
  • This is not a 24/7 monitored service. If You are in need of immediate help and feel You can’t keep yourself safe or Your life is at risk, please call 999 or present at Your local accident and emergency department.
  • This is not a 24/7 monitored service. If You are in need of urgent help but not immediate support call NHS 111, book an urgent appointment with Your own GP or call Your out of hours GP service.
  • We own the Triage and are providing You with a right to access it, subject to these terms and conditions. Nothing in these terms and conditions will convey to You or any other person any ownership or title to Our Triage.
  • We will use reasonable efforts to ensure the availability of the Triage, but You acknowledge that it is inherent to the nature of online services that We cannot guarantee availability. We also reserve the right to make the Triage unavailable from time to time for maintenance purposes and alternative arrangement for an assessment will be made.
  • Our provision of Your access to the Triage might be affected by events beyond Our reasonable control. If so, there might be a delay before We can restart or provide such access or services, having made reasonable efforts to limit the effect of any of those events and having kept You informed of the circumstances, but We will try to restart or provide such access or services as soon as those events have been fixed.


Your Use of the Service

  • We will provide You with access to the Triage, subject to these terms and conditions.
  • You must be aged 18 or over to use the Triage.
  • The use and access of the Triage is personal to You, is for Your sole use only and is to be used only to enable You to take an initial triage.
  • Please keep your username, password, or any links provided to You to access the Triage confidential, secure, and do not share it with anyone else. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not allow access to your account on the Triage to users not permitted to do so.
  • You are responsible for ensuring that You are able to access the Internet, and that You meet the system requirements for access to the Triage, such as supported browsers and a connection speed.
  • You must not use the Triage in an unlawful way, act fraudulently, or carry out malicious activity (such as introduce viruses, malicious code, Trojan worms, or similar) that may damage the access or performance of the Triage for You or others. To do so would be considered Inappropriate Use of the Triage.


Our Suspension or Termination of the Service

  • We reserve the right to suspend or terminate Your access to the Triage for any Inappropriate Use by You of the Triage, such as using the Triage for purposes other than receiving a triage, or providing access to a third party.
  • If We suspend Your access to the Triage We may, depending on the reason for the suspension, give You a reasonable opportunity to rectify the circumstances giving rise to the suspension, or to provide us with assurances and evidence that You have taken sufficient steps to prevent those circumstances recurring, in which case, provided that the You do so to our satisfaction, We will reinstate access to the Triage as soon as reasonably practicable.



  • Any personal data we collect through Your use of the Triage, the reasons for such collection and how such personal data is used is described in our Privacy Policy using the Triage, You agree to the processing of Your personal data as set out in the Privacy Policy.
  • In the event that you would like further information about Our use of your personal data or to access to the personal data We may collect through Your use of the Triage, please contact Us using the contact information specified in Our privacy policy.


Limitation of Our Liability to You

  • Except for any legal responsibility that We cannot exclude in law (such as for death or personal injury) or arising under applicable laws relating to the protection of Your personal information, We are not legally responsible for any loss or damage that: (a) are not a foreseeable result of Our breach of these terms and conditions or Our provision of the Triage, (b) were not caused by any breach on Our part, (c) are business losses, or (d) are losses to non-consumers.
  • Loss or damage is foreseeable if it is an obvious consequence of Our breach of these terms and conditions.



  • If You are a consumer, nothing in these terms and conditions affects Your legal rights under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (also known as ”statutory rights”). You may also have other rights in law.
  • No one other than You or Us has any right to enforce any term of these terms and conditions.
  • We may from time to time revise these terms and conditions. If We make such revisions We will notify You and if you do not agree with the changes, You may then stop using the Triage and contact Us to arrange an alternative delivery of your assessment. If You continue to access the Triage after the expiry of that notice, You will be deemed to have accepted such revisions.
  • If You are unhappy with Your use of the Triage, Our service to You generally or any other matter, please contact Us as soon as possible and We will try to resolve any issues quickly and efficiently.
  • If We cannot resolve any such issue using Our internal complaint handling procedure, We will let You know that We cannot settle the dispute with You and give You certain information required by law about Our alternative dispute resolution provider.
  • If You want to take court proceedings against Us, the courts of the part of the United Kingdom in which You live will have non-exclusive jurisdiction in relation to these terms and conditions. The laws of England and Wales will apply to these terms and conditions.