Data and insights

Providing the data insights you need to make informed decisions

Get up-to-date information on the mental wellbeing of your workforce, any time you want to. Our investment in integrated case management systems allows you to see the latest referral data from multiple sources, identifying anomalies and monitoring trends. This smart use of data helps you better support the teams you look after.

Our insights can help shape policies and procedures to mitigate risks and improve working conditions. Additionally, our reporting capabilities make it easier for businesses to understand and quantify the real cost of employee mental health, allowing businesses to make more informed and clinically backed decisions about how to better support the teams you look after.

Smart impactful insights

Our whole workforce survey tool captures individual mental health and wellbeing data. Results are aggregated, anonymised to deliver insights to transform the health, wellbeing and performance of your people and organisation.

The benefits are:

  • A whole mental health and wellbeing landscape across all your employees and locations.
  • Informs and supports corporate health wellbeing strategy and policy
  • Enables early intervention and preventative programmes, relinquishing reactive responses to absenteeism


Our corporate data insights tool, shares survey results through a dynamic dashboard.  The results are interpreted and delivered by expert Onebright clinicians.

Clinical data
Tailored and easy-to-digest reporting, offering you the insights and population analytics you need to drive positive change within your business. Insights include trends in key presenting mental health issues, progress and outcome measures.
Workforce audits
Our organisational audits provide a customised workforce survey and review, ranging from quick temperature checks of organisational wellbeing to detailed screening of current staff mental health.
Integrated service lines
We work in partnership with your PMI, GIP, EAP, and OH providers, as well as creating new direct pathways which gives you a unique and consistent view of the mental wellbeing of your workforce through data driven reports.
Contact our employee mental health specialists for more information

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Our services for employers
Supporting Women's Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace
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How to reduce work-related stress/burnout for your employees
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Recognising OCD in the Workplace
Clinical services
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