Aesthetic surgeons

Increasing cosmetic surgery satisfaction outcomes

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a known mental health condition thought to affect 1 in 50 people, who have a hugely distorted view of how their body looks and spends a lot of time worrying about their appearance.

BDD patients undertaking cosmetic procedures tend to have unrealistic expectations and those with underlaying psychological disorders are at greater risk of experiencing poor outcomes post procedure.  For patients with psychological disorders, especially those related to body image can experience bad outcomes.  As popularity increases for reality TV programmes, famous Instagram influencers and celebrity endorsements, those patients with repeated cosmetic procedures and unrealistic expectations continue to grow.

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Referring your patient

Surgeons should refer a patient to a mental health expert when you consider the psychological status of the patient may affect their satisfaction with the outcome of surgery. This could be because the expectations of the surgery outcomes are unrealistic, and this cannot be resolved during consultation; the patient has a history of repeated cosmetic procedures, or their mental health history reveals co-existing psychological disturbances.

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Highest standards of clinical care

Your patient will receive the highest standards of clinical care and ethical practice possible, removing any concerns regarding the impact on mental health and support them to make an informed decision about the procedure they are considering.  By referring the patient to a mental health expert this can positively affect their overall satisfaction rate of outcome of their surgery.

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Why choose Onebright

Rapid access for your patients

Straightforward and quick referral process

Clinical excellence

Best practice in line with CQC guidance for surgeries

Identify need

Rule out psychological difficulties with a 30-minute screening assessment

Help make informed decisions

Improve patient's overall satisfaction rate of outcome
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