Online Therapy for Building Confidence

Do you find yourself needing help to speak up in group settings? Have you been in any situations recently where you may have felt unsure of yourself? Do you often compare yourself to others? This could be because you need help with building confidence.
People often believe confidence is gifted to some, and others aren’t so lucky. We are often told that confidence is about being extroverted or that you must be perfect at everything you do. In reality, confidence is far more complex. People can cultivate it over time, and it varies in different situations.
Confidence is a belief in yourself and your ability to bounce back from failures, mistakes or things that don’t turn out ‘perfect.’
This self-belief gives you the feeling you can rise to meet challenges and succeed.
What happens on a cognitive level when you lose self-confidence?
It can be a multifaceted phenomenon influenced by cognitive, emotional, physiological, and even social factors. Some examples include:
Negative self-talk
Thoughts start to skew towards self-doubt and negative self-assessment. Instead of “I can do this,” you might think, “I’m not good enough,” or “I’ll never succeed.”
Catastrophic Thinking
Expecting or ruminating on every worst-case scenario to occur.
A reluctance to face challenging situations or to try new things due to fear of failure.
Delaying or avoiding tasks due to fear of failure or underestimating one’s abilities.
Why is building confidence important?
Confidence contributes to nearly every facet of a happy and fulfilling life. The more you learn to evaluate and question unhelpful thoughts that tell you, “I can’t do this” or “I’m not good enough,” the easier it becomes to change your behaviour.
When thoughts of self-doubt cloud judgment or hold you back from trying new things, it can play a significant part in how you show up in life, affecting both your career progression and your personal life.
Individuals who struggle with building confidence know the importance confidence plays in day-to-day interactions and situations better than anyone. Life is replete with uncertainties and obstacles. When faced with life events like career changes, personal losses, relationship difficulties, or health issues, a confident mindset can be the difference between feeling paralysed and moving forward.
What is the difference between real confidence and ‘fake’ confidence?
While confidence is rooted in a realistic understanding of one’s abilities and openness to feedback, overconfidence can lead to underestimating challenges, ignoring feedback, and misguided decisions.
Building and maintaining confidence is a lifelong journey influenced by experiences and continuous reflection.
How to build confidence?
It’s important to remember that confidence is not a fixed trait but a continuous journey involving both internal work and external resources. Here are several ways to cultivate confidence:
Begin by understanding your strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs. This may include reaching out to people you know and trust for feedback. Also, journaling or meditative practices can help you reflect on past successes and learn from setbacks.
Make sure to celebrate achievements – regardless of how small or big, take the time to recognise and celebrate your accomplishments to reinforce beliefs in your capabilities.
Engaging in online therapy can be invaluable for building confidence. Therapists provide a safe space to discuss insecurities, fears, and past traumas that might be holding you back from reaching your full potential.
A licensed CBT therapist can offer strategies and cognitive behavioural techniques to reshape negative thought patterns. The accessibility of online therapy means you can find a therapist suited to your needs and schedule sessions at convenient times. Also, if you’re not confident enough to walk into a therapist’s office, you can still receive professional support from your home.
How does online therapy help people become more confident?
Online therapy sessions encourage self-acceptance with a personalised plan that helps you gradually build your confidence to guide yourself through situations.
The compassionate nature of online therapy means you will never have to face your struggles alone. Therapists offer a safe space to talk about your concerns without judgment.
An Online CBT Therapist will support you in identifying negative beliefs. The first step is to unearth the beliefs and thought patterns undermining your confidence. They will then help you set realistic goals aligning with your strengths and values. This means that you can track your progress. Lastly, they will discuss ways to self-care, helping you maintain a positive mental and emotional state as you build back your confidence.
Building back the trust you have with yourself – one thought at a time
Confidence is different for everyone and affects people at any point in their lives. Feeling a lack of confidence is normal and part of the universal human experience, but it is important not to hide from it. When we lack confidence, we should embrace how we feel and make the changes to tackle this problem.
With the proper support, you can develop the skills to build your confidence and start speaking up, being recognised for your talents, and believing in yourself. Talk to the team at Onebright about remote or online therapy options in London and the UK.