Recovery Rates for Online CBT Therapy Rival In-Person Appointments

The UK’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) program is a stepped-care model treating individuals with depression and anxiety disorders. Internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy (online therapy) is routinely offered to individuals with mild to moderate symptoms.
Online therapy recovery rates are showing that the digital world is transforming even the mental health sector. Historically, when someone is dealing with an emotional issue, they research therapists in the local area and book in for one-to-one sessions in person. But times have changed.
This new digital age is transforming the way people communicate, work and live, and addressing psychological problem is no different. CBT specialists, Onebright, have been offering online CBT through an NHS backed programme where clients can access a digital portal and work through modules related to their specific needs.
Recovery rates are reported at 87%, which is in line with Onebright’s in-person therapy recovery rate.
The online programme covers a range of issues from Social anxiety and financial stress to more recently COVID-19 related problems. Progression through the programme is monitored by calls with a BABCP accredited therapist to keep clients on track to recovery.
BABCP accreditation is the gold standard for Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapists in the UK and is a standard all of Onebright’s therapists must obtain.
The benefits of online CBT therapy include:
- Digital programme suited to your needs
- Total flexibility around times and dates
- Access anywhere
- Assisted calls from therapist
At Onebright, CBT therapists have been working remotely with clients for five years, so they are experienced in helping people to get better by adapting and tailoring the programmes to suit individuals needs.
The good news is that due to Onebright’s experience in this field; there is extensive clinical data to show that when clients are treated by a therapist (either face to face or by remote channels), then they have the same chance of recovery.
Onebright’s recovery rate is 87% which exceeds the industry standard of 52%.
“All in all, I would give Onebright Online CBT Therapy 10 out of 10 and would recommend Onebright to anyone seeking help and guidance. I know I will be using the system for a long time to come and that the techniques I learnt from the modules will help me for life.”
– Anonymous