Common Signs of PTSD and Why Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is The Recommended Treatment

Common Signs of PTSD and Why Cognitive Behavioural Therapy London is The Recommended Treatment

In many studies, CBT has been demonstrated to be as effective as or more effective than other forms of psychotherapy or psychiatric medications when treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). London CBT therapists share the common signs that a person is showing symptoms of PTSD.

Most of what we hear in the media about PTSD relates to soldiers at war, but any trauma can lead to PTSD. Traumatic events can range from a serious car accident to a childbirth experience or the sudden death of a loved one, leading to PTSD. 

One extensive survey of the general population in England found that 3 in 100 adults screened positive for PTSD. Further research shows that 10% of people will experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder at some point in their lifetime, which means there is a high chance someone in your life is either experiencing it or has experienced it in the past. However, according to PTSDUK, up to 70% of people with PTSD in the UK do not receive professional help.

Since individuals with PTSD can develop symptoms immediately after a traumatic event but also weeks, months, or even years later, they may be unaware they are experiencing symptoms and patterns of behaviour linked to PTSD. They may feel that their symptoms are just part of their life now – even if they’re debilitating and affecting every aspect of their life.

UK mental health experts, Onebright, have outstanding outcomes when delivering talking therapies like CBT Therapy to individuals who are experiencing symptoms of PTSD. Below, they share some common PTSD triggers that can happen to you, a loved one or even a stranger: 

  • Memory problems and difficulty retaining information

PTSD memory loss happens because there is little room in the brain for the little things. Memory loss sufferers may struggle to recall small details of their daily lives. You may notice they lose things frequently or periodically miss engagements with friends or loved ones’ birthdays.

  • Lack of concentration 

People who undergo Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for PTSD with one of our Onebright therapists often report the difficult time they have paying attention or concentrating on everyday tasks. This is not related to having a ‘bad memory’ but rather a result of being anxious.

  • Physical difficulties

Many people with PTSD experience several physical symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness, chest pains, weight gain or stomach aches. Often the person does not realise the connection between the physical pain and the traumatic event. 

  • Poor relationships or fallouts 

The symptoms of PTSD can cause problems with trust, closeness, communication, and problem-solving. These problems may affect how the individual acts with people around them, creating a circular pattern that can have a lasting effect on relationships.

  • Trouble staying awake

An estimated nine in ten people with PTSD have insomnia. This is primarily due to hyperarousal, in which the individual cannot relax. This can lead to the individual struggling to stay awake at work or experiencing a drop in energy levels.

Choosing Onebright for PTSD Treatment

The methods used in a CBT Therapy session are intended to help individuals with PTSD gain a more objective understanding of their traumatic experience, return their sense of control and self-confidence, and improve their ability to cope and reduce avoidance behaviours. To discuss with a clinician your symptoms relating to PTSD, get in touch with the team at Onebright to schedule an appointment. 

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