Bulimia Nervosa
Are you struggling with an eating disorder?
Onebright specialises in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and based in centres across the UK. Our experts are highly trained in delivering CBT treatments to help you overcome bulimia, and binge eating disorders.
What is an eating disorder?
Bulimia Nervosa, commonly referred to as bulimia, is characterised by experiencing loss of control in the form of binge eating, often in secret, and feeling very guilty and shameful. Purging, which is the attempt to get rid of the food and extra calories in an unhealthy way, such as vomiting or misusing laxatives, is also frequently present. Bulimia Nervosa is also characterised by excessive focus on weight and body shape even when trying to think about other things. Harsh judgements and noticing flaws in your appearance and personality are also common.

When to seek treatment for Bulimia Nervosa
Begin your journey
You must be aged 18 years or above to access our therapy services.