Pain Management
Are you Struggling with Chronic Pain Management?
CBT aims to improve the way that you manage and cope with your pain, rather than finding a biological solution to it. This approach is related to problem-solving and giving you control over your pain. CBT helps to identify negative thinking patterns and to develop effective challenges. With careful planning of tasks and daily activities and the use of relaxation training, CBT will enable you to take back control of your life, to do more, and to feel better.
What is Chronic Pain Management?
Chronic pain is pain that can’t be explained biologically, is persistent, and disrupts your life. However, chronic pain is more than just a physical symptom: it may also cause depression, fatigue, and irritability. It can even interfere with work, relationships, and daily living. All this can be helped with CBT Therapy.

When to seek treatment for Pain Management
Are you looking for a therapist?

What you need to know
Chronic pain can be difficult to treat, but a combination of psychological and physical therapies appears to provide significant benefits.
Physiotherapy, medication, acupuncture, local electrical stimulation and brain stimulation, as well as surgery, are some treatments for chronic pain. CBT, relaxation, biofeedback and behaviour modification are also employed as non-invasive routes to treat chronic pain.