Clinical Excellence

Our mental health support changes lives

Clinical excellence and strong clinical governance are non-negotiables when you are trusted by over 40,000 people a year, as Onebright is. By focusing on results, we have built a reputation as a mental health provider that can be trusted to help people feel better.

We use industry-leading methods for tracking mental health to focus and evaluate therapy. These tools give us evidence to show the impact of our work.

Onebright mental health
Support at scale
The size of our world-class clinical network means we can offer scalable, responsive support from prevention through to therapeutic care. We match individuals to the right treatment and therapist, wherever and whenever they need it.
Our clinical network
Our governance
We are trusted by the biggest healthcare and insurance brands to care for their members and clients. So we take our governance responsibilities very seriously – from how we safeguard your data, to how we ensure clinical excellence and safety at all times.
Clinical excellence
Our world class clinicians live and breathe what they do and are committed to clinical excellence. We focus on outcomes – supporting people to feel better. We can prove this because we use evidence-based tools to assess progress and outcomes.
Clinical excellence and impact

Outstanding outcomes for PMI providers

recovery rate (exceeds 51% NHS recovery benchmark)
felt the therapist listened to them and treated their concerns seriously
felt involved in making choices about their treatment and care
"The process has been clear and straightforward. I couldn't have asked for a better therapist."
Male 37 (depression)

We are Onebright

Formed in 2021, Onebright is the coming together of three leading mental health companies – CBT Clinics, Efficacy, and Moving Minds. The new company brings together nearly 50 years of combined experience in mental health and a network of over 3,000 clinicians providing treatment in 49 languages.

We are stronger, brighter and better together, united in our aim to build a new way to deliver mental healthcare for people around the world.

Onebright Online Therapy
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