How to Get an ADHD Diagnosis as an Adult
Your First Step to an ADHD Psychiatric Diagnosis
As many as 1.5 million adults in the UK could be going through life without the diagnosis or support they need to be happy and fulfilled and make the most of their neurodiverse talents. If you’re wondering how to get an ADHD Diagnosis as an adult, Onebright offers assessments, therapy treatment plans and support at every stage of your journey.
A diagnosis of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) as an adult can open the door to a whole new understanding of the self and, with the right treatment to manage the condition, can lead to a new lease of life.
What are the signs of ADHD in adults?
Around 3-4% of the adult population has ADHD, but the majority of these individuals remain undiagnosed. The only way to know if you have ADHD is to undergo an ADHD assessment with a mental health specialist trained in the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD. The condition has a number of possible symptoms, and they can easily overlap with those of other conditions, like depression or anxiety. These can include:
- Poor organisational skills
- Inability to focus or prioritise
- Forgetfulness
- Speaking out of turn
- Impulsiveness
Unsure whether you should book an assessment? If a number of these apply, you may want to seek Onebright’s assistance.

Clear diagnosis pathways
We know what happens next is an important step for you. Some online assessment options may not be clinically led by mental health professionals, and others take too long and do not provide you with the necessary support options once the assessment is complete.
The Onebright ADHD assessment involves:
- Questionnaires are sent to you and a close friend or family member
- Consultation with a Psychiatrist
- Screening for other common mental health conditions
- A full psychiatric report
- A diagnosis where one can be made
- Treatment recommendations

Why Onebright psychiatry
Frequently Asked Questions about ADHD in Adults
CBT is a short-term, goal-oriented form of psychotherapy that aims to change negative thinking patterns and reframe how you feel about yourself and your symptoms of ADHD.
Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialise in mental health and can also prescribe medication for ADHD.
However, it is important to note that having a family history of ADHD does not necessarily mean that a person will have the condition.