Onebright Clinic Canary Wharf

CBT in Canary Wharf

Our CBT therapists in Canary Wharf have been chosen not only for their CBT Therapy experience but also their experience working with professionals.

Canary Wharf, 16 Pepper Street, London E14 9RP

In our Canary Wharf Clinic, we treat a range of conditions including work pressure, environment, stress-related issues, relationship problems and work-life balance. CBT coaching is an exclusive form of CBT Therapy for business executives. 

All our therapists are seasoned mental health professionals so you can be assured that you’re in the hands of regulated professionals.  We are proud to say that our service only offers CBT treatment from BABCP accredited professionals, the gold standard for London CBT therapists.

Book an appointment
We offer online, phone or face to face therapy. Contact us to get matched to the right therapist for you.
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