CBT London Therapists Working on the Frontline of the UK's Rising Mental Health Crisis

One in eleven adults surveyed in Greater London (equivalent to around 270,000 people) who say their mental health got worse during the pandemic has not spoken to anyone about it during this time. Moreover, the NHS currently faces the most extensive backlog in its history, with those waiting for mental health help now reaching 1.6 million people.
Time to Talk Day was celebrated earlier this month (Feb. 3rd), and for those unfamiliar, it is a day dedicated to getting the nation talking. The purpose of the day is to encourage society to speak freely about our mental health, spreading awareness on the importance of talking things through. It’s a day for friends, families, communities, and workplaces to come together to talk, share thoughts and feelings, listen to one another, and reduce the stigma around mental health.
As leading experts in the mental healthcare industry, our CBT therapists in London and throughout the UK fully support Time to Talk day and want to go one step further in encouraging everyone to actively nurture their mental health and well-being every day of the year.
Why is mental health important?
When we focus on it, virtually every aspect of life can be better off. The importance of good mental health ripples into everything we do, think or say.
Maintaining it is crucial to stabilizing constructive behaviours, emotions, and thoughts. Focusing on mental health care can increase productivity, enhance our self-image, and improve relationships.
There has been an active, long-term effort, along with many national campaigns, to promote awareness for mental health and reduce the stigma over the years, so the question begs:
Why have so many of those surveyed still not spoken to a professional about the decline in their mental health?
There are several personal reasons why, but let’s look at some practical reasons why people don’t seek out the support needed to address their mental health issues. One reason is simply the ease of accessing mental health provisions. This is especially true in rural areas where they are often medically underserved, and mental healthcare and addiction treatment are even worse. Also, older generations or vulnerable people who live outside the main city centres may find it harder to travel further for any number of reasons.
Digital innovation and advances in telemedicine have played a significant part in clinicians and therapists remaining connected to their clients during the pandemics most isolating periods. As one of the UK’s biggest private mental healthcare providers, Onebright prioritised finding innovative ways to give their clients ease of access and not disrupt their ongoing treatment pathway.
With the help of digital technology, Onebright has provided access for thousands of people to world-class mental health care using a simple platform designed to provide a safe, confidential and convenient space for clients to undergo a virtual mental health assessment and begin their therapy online.
How is the increased demand for mental health services impacting day-to-day life?
As a result of this rise in demand for mental healthcare over the past two years, we’re seeing a significant change in how this affects society, particularly the workforce. According to Bloomberg, “long term sick”, which includes mental health conditions, is now the largest single reason for people dropping out of work during this time period.
Onebright’s Professor Marcantonio Spada pioneered research on COVID-19 Anxiety syndrome, alongside Professor Ana Nikcevic, observing from their research that “the higher the levels of COVID-19 anxiety syndrome, the more likely it is that those people will be aware of the threat of catching the virus. This group of people also find it harder to disengage from these threats, which may make a return to normal daily living harder.”
Read more about their research and findings in this article on COVID-19 Anxiety.
How can I access effective and efficient CBT London therapists for online and in-person appointments?
Onebright has multiple offices across the UK and in London. You’ll be talking to CBT Therapists we have chosen for their professional expertise, qualifications and experience in helping you with any mental health issue you may think is stopping you from moving forward with your life.
Because every day needs to be ‘Time To Talk’ day.